If you are not an Admin, you can still create and edit checksets. You just can't save then to the default folder. If you want to run those against models though, we have to alter the ModelReview.config file and that is going to require Admin access.
To change the location of the output file and add a new checkset, open the Model Review config file located:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Autodesk Revit Model Review 2014\ModelReview.config
Edit this file as follows:
- Line 9: Copy line 8 to add the information for your new check. I recommend location the check file (.bfc) on a sever or other location that you have read/write access. This will permit you to edit the check file as needed., then copy the physical file to this folder
- Line 11: Edit the <OutputPath> entry to a location accessible to normal users.
You can then save the ModelReview.config file to a location that you have read/write access. You will then need to find someone in your organization with Admin access that can replace the original Modelreview.config with the file you just created.